My hair has been dyed 3 times since I've been locked. The first time my stylist dye my hair and I didn't like it. My stylist did not purchase the correct color and my hair came out a golden bronze, when it was supposed to be a chestnut blond. The color didn't look bad on me, but it wasn't what I wanted. It got a little darker with time, but I still wasn't loving it. About 8 months later I had my sister dye my hair darker, but it still wasn't what I wanted. A few months after that I had my sister dye it a little darker and I loved it. Silly me...didn't save the box and don't remember that brand or color name.
Last night I decided to dye my hair on my own for the first time. I used a couple of Dark and Lovely dye kits and dyed it chestnut blond. With all of the different tones already mixed into my hair I came out to be more chestnut than chestnut blond. It's not quite the color I expected, but I love it. I'm proud of myself for dyeing my own hair...and happy at the money I saved. I'll post some pictures of the new color later.