Sunday, May 15, 2011

High-pony with a twist

I put my hair in a high ponytail, but I left out a few locs in the front (on the left and right side of my head). I then crisscrossed the hair that was loose and wrapped the ends around my ponytail holder. I was done and out the door in 5 minutes. :)


  1. Your styles are absolutely beautiful. You are very talented!!! Have you considered becoming a consultant, cosmetologist, loctician, or just natural hair stylist? I would love to be able to do what you do.

  2. Your hair is gorgeous. Would have been nice to see some more pics of the hairstyle from different angles though. :o)

  3. By the way, who retightens your hair?

  4. Thank you Lady. I started by watching a lot of Youtube vidoes and doing a lot of practicing. I enjoy doing my hair, but I am not sure I have the patience to do someone else's hair.

  5. Thanks Tropical! It gets a little tough to take pictures from different angles using my cell phone, but I'll try to get more photos on here in for my future posts. My loctitian is a trainee and has been retightening my locs for 4 years (Alfie House).

  6. As usual, ever soooooo neat and tidy!

  7. You are very talented & I am going to step up my Sisterlock styling!

  8. you've just given me another style idea!!!!
